
Friday, August 3, 2007

SoCal Power Outage No More!

In a massive Enron-like power outage, Vladimir Guerrero had gone weeks without hitting a longball. He changed that last night against Chad Gaudin and the Oakland A's when he jacked two shots which drove in three runs total.

It was nice to see Vladdy get back to his old ways so quickly. I was beginning to worry about him. Vladdy continues to be one of the purest hitters in the game and should never be reserved in any league.

Believe it or not, Vlad the Impaler is only 31 years old! So, the guy still has plenty of years left in him. Keep him active and keep him on your roster. Unless you can score a slew of young, sure-fire prospects, I see no reason to deal him at this point in his career.

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